
Training Workshop: Climate project development and Green climate fund Access requirements

Ouagadougou, April 2, 6-9, 2021, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), in collaboration with the National Designated Authority (NDA), organized a training workshop on climate project preparation and management in the framework of the Readiness program entitled “Support for Accreditation of Direct Access Entities, Pipeline Development and Private Sector Mobilization in Burkina Faso”.

The workshop, which was held semi virtually, was aimed at building the capacity of Coris Bank International (CBI) and the Environment Intervention Fund (FIE), direct access entity (DAE) candidates for accreditation to the Green climate fund (GCF) on concept notes development to facilitate their access to climate finance mainly on GCF resources.

The workshop brought together around 15 participants from CBI, FIE, GGGI and NDA and was structured following two approaches namely through presentations and practical exercises.

Presentations provided covered the following topics: (i) Introduction to international climate change policy, (ii) Burkina Faso’s commitment to climate change, (iii) Introduction to climate finance, (iv) Specifics and accessibility to various climate funds including GCF, (v) Development of bankable projects for GCF, etc.

The participants have been organized into 2 groups around each of DAE to work throughout exercises to simulate the development of climate project according to GCF requirement. During working groups, participants learned to develop climate rationale, theory of change, logical framework, project results aligned with GCF investment criteria. Each group has been able to practice on one project idea. CBI group worked on the Project for the distribution and after-sales service of electric vehicles. This is a project that promotes low-carbon transportation by promoting electric vehicles, in this case mopeds that run on electric energy. As for FIE team, the exercise has been done considering the project idea related to Strengthening the climatic resilience of small and medium-sized agroforestry enterprises through the application of good sustainable production practices for green jobs creation and income improvement in the Centre, Centre-West and Haut-Bassin regions.