
GGGI develops template tool for the Rwanda Green Building Minimum Compliance System

Dec 2019 , The excel-based templates for the Rwanda Green Building Minimum Compliance System were developed by GGGI for their government partner Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA),  to support the implementation of the system. The green building minimum compliance system is an Annex to the Rwanda Building Code 2019 and was approved by the Government of Rwanda cabinet in April 2019.



The minimum compliance system has elaborated a total of 29 green building indicators (10 mandatory + 19 optional) that projects can choose to apply during the building design and construction stage and achieve the associated green building benefits for the building owners, occupants, and the environment. The projects are expected to submit calculations (wherever necessary) and submit documentary evidence to meet the minimum threshold of 60 points out of the 190 points defined in the system. To simplify the indicator and point calculation process, an excel-based tool was developed and is aimed towards Architects, Engineers and Building professionals who can fill in the project design information for the attempted green building indicators and score points to meet the minimum threshold.


The project teams are expected to use to templates and submit the filled-in templates along with the documentary evidence for the attempted green building indicators while applying for the building permit online. The tool also provides an opportunity for the building permitting and inspection officers to verify the information provided in the excel tool with the documentary evidence and as-built conditions and grant building/occupancy permit after achieving satisfactory compliance.

To view or download the excel-based templates for the Rwanda Green Building Minimum Compliance System template please use link below:

Templates-Rwanda Green Building Templates (Final)-Beta Version

For further queries please contact:

Dheeraj Arrabothu -Senior Officer: Green Buildings , email