
Preliminary Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Assessment for Papua New Guinea

At a Glance

Publication Date May 2020
Format pdf
Country Papua New Guinea
Thematic Areas Gender and Inclusive Development, Climate Resilient and Green Growth

This gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) assessment was prepared as part of Component 1 of the Climate-Resilient Green Growth (CRGG) program funded by the Australian Government, which is aimed at ensuring that authorities in the three targeted PNG provinces of Enga, Milne Bay, and New Ireland successfully incorporate CRGG into planning. The GESI assessment is a quick review aimed at creating a preliminary view of gender issues at national, provincial, and sectoral levels that can help identify a series of potential investment opportunities with high potential for socio-economic co-benefits, particularly in the context of women’s empowerment, gender equality and poverty alleviation, and, overall contributions towards National Development Plans and SDGs.  This assessment reviews and discusses existing evidence on the various gender equality and social inclusion areas of action in PNG, analyses the various co-benefits in the preliminary sectors of renewable energy and energy efficiency, agriculture, and, forestry and natural resources management.