
(Norway) Review of GGGI Program in Indonesia (2012-2017)

At a Glance

Publication Date March 2018
Format pdf
Countries Norway, Indonesia
Thematic Areas Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes, Green Buildings and Industry, Sustainable Landscapes, Renewable Energy

Objective and scope

(1) The Final Review of GGGI Phase I Program, assessing the programmatic achievements of the program and the impacts it has generated against the revised logical (result) framework. The review shall cover the total implementation period of phase I, which is from 2012 to 2015; and

(2) The Mid-Term Review of GGGI Phase II Program, assessing the programmatic achievements against the logical framework, and shall cover the implementation period from November 2015 to June 2017.

Key evaluation questions

  • Efficiency: An assessment of how efficient the program is in converting inputs into outputs. Assessment of the benefits of GGGI Indonesia being part of a global institution (GGGI), and the ability of the Indonesia office to convert objectives into tangible outcomes.
  • Management capacity: An assessment of GGGI Indonesia’s administrative and management capacity, including collaboration and support from GGGI HQ in terms of management and strategic thinking.
  • Achievements of results: An assessment of to which extent the program’s purpose and goal have been achieved, particularly the integration of GGGI’s work streams and outputs into national and subnational policy development processes in Indonesia.
  • Results management: An assessment of GGGI Indonesia’s results management, including the realism and the clarity of the program’s expected results; GGGI Indonesia’s system for monitoring of results (including indicators and sources used); system for results assessment and reporting (including the quality of its reports); reason for and process of revising its results framework.
  • Sustainability. An assessment of the probability of continued long-term benefits after the closing of the program and the ownership of the results from the partner country. Does GGGI Indonesia apply social and environmental safeguards in its program?
  • Relevance. An assessments of to which extent the program is consistent with the beneficiaries’ requirements, national and subnational policies in Indonesia, country needs, global priorities and partners’ and Norway’s priorities as indicated in its Forest and Climate Initiative and Norwegian development policies. How does the program contribute to the objectives of the Indonesia REDD+ strategy?
  • Coordination. An assessment of how the program interacts and collaborates with other Norway funded programs, and with programs supported by other donors and other related initiatives for natural resources governance. Also on added value of the Indonesia country program on creating synergies with the activities already undertaken by the partner government, private sector actors and civil society organizations in Indonesia.
  • Risks Management. An assessment of GGGI Indonesia’s risk management systems; and assessment of the programme’s response to risks, both internal and external, including corruption.
  • Gender. An assessment of how gender issues are integrated in the programme operations.
  • Human Rights. An assessment of means/ approach by which GGGI Indonesia addresses human rights issues.
  • Lessons Learned and Best Practices. An assessment of lessons learned from the implementation, what could have been done, reflection and comparison with example of other practices in different geography.

Management response

This evaluation report was commissioned by Norway and GGGI was not provided the opportunity to prepare a management response.

Background documents                       

The Terms of Reference / Approach Paper for this Evaluation is included in Annex 1 of the Report.