
GCF Readiness Project Private Sector Mobilization and Engagement: Feasibility study to identify potential for crowding-in private sector investments in Papua New Guinea

At a Glance

Publication Date May 2020
Format pdf
Country Papua New Guinea
Thematic Area Cross Cutting

The private sector mobilization and engagement project was undertaken as part of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness Project for Papua New Guinea (PNG). Titled “Readiness Support to Strengthen PNG’s Engagement with the GCF”, the project was managed by the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) as the National Designated Authority (NDA) to the GCF with support from the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) as the Delivery Partner. The report provides background and information on opportunities to accelerate private sector engagement and action as a part of PNG’s climate change response. Focusing on the Agriculture and Energy sectors, the approach involved desk-based scanning of companies that may play a role in promoting action on climate change, in-person engagement with key stakeholders, development of project concepts, and interaction at a private sector forum.