
Project Reference Profiles – Qatar(QA1) Qatar Green Growth Program—Scoping

At a Glance

Strategic Outcomes
Start Date Q1  Jan 2019
End Date q1 Dec 2019
Funding Source Core
Actual Budget (USD) 359,701
Budget Percentage 96%
Actual Expenditure (USD) 345,917
Status Complete
GGGI Share (USD) 359,701
Poverty and Gender Policy Markers
Name of Client (Lead/Prime implementer if GGGI is part of a consortium) Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME) & Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)
Participating Organization (Funding/donor)
Name of consortium members, if any Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME) & Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoF)
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
GGGI Project Code :
Project Manager and Staff +

Project context, objectives and description

This is a 6 month’s effort with the objectives to engage with the State of Qatar and set-up a country program, with a view to scale-up the program through earmarked funding support by the State of Qatar. The scoping phase involved building the trust and network with important Qatari stakeholders and jointly initiating and delivering policy and capacity development activities related to Qatar’s next NDC update, development of a green growth strategy, and development of a national MRV system. Based on the network expanded with Qatari stakeholders, the project aims to also develop a 3-years Work Program and work towards an MoU and HCA to support scaling up of the program. 

The project aligns with IO1. strengthened national, sub-national and local green growth planning, financing and institutional frameworks; IO2. increased green growth investment flows which enable partner governments to implement green growth policies and IO3. improved multi-directional knowledge sharing and learning to empower local and external agents necessary to drive green growth processes in partner governments. 


Type of services provided, and results achieved

Impact: Climate resilience and green growth advanced in Qatar to support achievement of Qatar National Vision 2030. 


Project Outputs completed in 2019 

  • GGGI Qatar program was set-up from scratch with only 1 core staff delivering the activities through frequent travel due to lack of HCA and long-term visa. HCA and MoU draft finalized and approved by State of Qatar (SoQ) counterpart ministries, and a detailed 3-year Work Program with 7 work packages jointly developed 

Several iterations of the HCA have gone through GGGI and SoQ processes and the draft has been finalized with MoFA Qatar. 

The MoU/earmarked funding agreement has gone through several iteration and negotiation across GGGI and the State of Qatar (represented by the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME)). It includes a $7.5 mil. 3-year earmarked funding agreement. Both HCA and MoU are delayed in the official processes within the SoQ and now expected by summer of 2020. 

  • Qatar national MRV system development – stock-taking and scoping assessment for MRV development completed: A 3-year work plan to scope and develop Qatar’s national MRV system for greenhouse gas and adaptation tracking was developed with the State of Qatar. A detailed assessment was completed to outline the scope of a Qatar national MRV system with a technical, legal and institutional setup and with a focus on greenhouse gas inventory. Delivered a full-day capacity development and stakeholder consultation workshop where more than 25 key ministries, private sector entities, academia etc. participated. 
  • State of Qatar’s capacity for the next NDC submission enhanced with following outputs: Developed stakeholders’ map and the first draft of Qatar’s existing climate actions (unpublished)Delivered a 2-day climate diplomacy capacity development workshop to train Qatari ministry officials on next NDC preparation and technical aspects related to climate negotiations. 
  • Qatar Green Growth Strategy development initiated with following outputs: a multi-year work plan for Qatar Green Growth Strategy Development was developed with the government counterpartA Green Growth Potential Assessment (GGPA) of Qatar was conducted along with a stakeholder consultation workshop  in Doha. A GGPA analysis and workshop report prepared. 

i. Green Growth Policies:

  • Total of 2 policy assignments to inform green growth strategy development, NDC revision and MRV development (GGPA analysis and consultation and national MRV development roadmap report and consultation)  

 ii. Green Investments:N/A

iii. Capacity Building and Knowledge Products: 

  • Total of 3 capacity building activities in the form of consultations and workshops. 

1) Organised with the State of Qatar a ‘Capacity Development and Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on Qatar National MRV System Development’, on 4 Sep 2019 in Doha, Qatar. 

2) Organised with the State of Qatar an NDC implementation and climate diplomacy training to the technical team supporting Qatar’s NDC development and UNFCCC climate negotiation, titled ‘Paris Agreement and Qatar’s NDC Implementation’ on 22 and 23 May 2019 in Doha. 

3) Organised with the State of Qatar a ‘Green Growth Potential Assessment (GGPA) of Qatar Consultation Workshop’ on 30 April 2019 in Doha, Qatar. 

  • Total of 2 knowledge products in the forms of i.) Green Growth Potential Assessment of Qatar Analysis and Workshop report and ii.) Scope of National MRV System with a Focus on Greenhouse Inventory MRV for Qatar. 

1) Green Growth Potential Assessment of Qatar Analysis and Workshop report, Global Green Growth Institute: Seoul. (submitted to the government counterpart in May 2019). 

2) Scope of National MRV System with a Focus on Greenhouse Inventory MRV for Qatar, Global Green Growth Institute: Seoul. (submitted to the government counterpart in September 2019).

Number of staff provided

Project Manager: Pranab Jyoti Baruah 

Pranab Jyoti Baruah