
Project Reference Profiles – Guyana(GY04) Guyana NDC progress and MRV

At a Glance

Strategic Outcomes SO1 Reduced GHG emission
Start Date Q1  Sept 3 2019
End Date q1 Dec 31 2019
Funding Source Core
Actual Budget (USD) 35,056
Budget Percentage 41%
Actual Expenditure (USD) 14,473
Status Active
GGGI Share (USD) 14,473
Poverty and Gender Policy Markers
Name of Client (Lead/Prime implementer if GGGI is part of a consortium) Office of Climate Change
Participating Organization (Funding/donor)
Name of consortium members, if any
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
GGGI Project Code :
Project Manager and Staff +

Project context, objectives and description

In May 2019, the Government of Guyana finalized and launched the Green State Development Strategy (GSDS) and plans to implement GSDS from 2020. GSDS is a key instrument for economic development. Although Guyana will become an oil producer from 2021, the Guyana government has set-up and announced ambitious renewable energy target including 100% renewable energy in power sector. Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) is a central place under the Paris Agreement (PA), thus enhancing the requirements under the UNFCCC Convention, and has been further developed into the enhanced transparency framework (ETF). The enhanced transparency requirements for MRV were updated at COP 21 in Paris which adopted a comprehensive MRV framework applicable to all Parties to the PA. 

The Guyana government, through its Office of Climate Change in Ministry of Presidency, has requested GGGI to support implementation of Green State Development Strategy (GSDS). One of the country’s priority sectors, both in terms of GHG emissions and potential for mitigation measures is its Transport Sector. While the country has progressed in developing a measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system, through the initial and second national communications it has submitted, it needs further capacity support built-into its own ability to transparently, accurately, completely and consistently measure its GHG emissions from this sector. Furthermore, the capacity must be expanded to include both Government and non-government actors. 

The overall objective is to enable Guyana to transparently, accurately, consistently and completely measure its GHG emissions from the transport sector. This will enable the country to create a comparable time-series of emissions data that it can then use to set appropriate targets in its nationally determined contributions (NDC), and then identify measures and the corresponding climate finance needed, whether mobilized internally or through external support, to implement the measures. This project is aligned with IO1. Strengthened national, sub-national and local green growth planning, financing and institutional frameworks. 

Type of services provided, and results achieved

Impact: Guyana is able to reduce its GHG emissions from its transport sector. 

Outcome: N/A 

Project Outputs completed in 2019: 

i. Green Growth Policies:N/A

ii. Green Investments:N/A

  • Advisory outputs that aim to create enabling environmentThe report covers the key data and information required, their probable sources from the existing data and information collection practices being followed in the country and for the key stakeholders to be involved in creating the enabling environment for the country to transparently, accurately, completely and consistently measure, report and verify its GHG emissions from the transportation sector. The report focused on creating the necessary enabling environment for the country to meet its future reporting obligations emanating from the enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement, by creating the data and information collection tools and templates using the established IPCC 2006 Guidelines. 

iii. Capacity Building and Knowledge Products: 

  • knowledge product – a report created for Guyana to apply best practices, tools and guide for usage and application. 

Number of staff provided

Project Manager: Siddhartha Nauduri 

Da Yeon Choi, David Fernandez, Marina Brenden, Yoo Lim Jeon