
KI02 Development of an Agricultural Strategy as an Addendum to the KV20 – Kiribati’s National Development Plan

At a Glance

Strategic Outcomes SO2 Creation of green jobs, SO6 Enhanced adaptation to climate change
Start Date Q1  Jan 1 2019
End Date q1 Dec 31 2020
Funding Source Core
Actual Budget (USD) 121,238
Budget Percentage 79%
Actual Expenditure (USD) 96,051
Status Active
GGGI Share (USD) 121238
Poverty and Gender Policy Markers poverty, gender
Name of Client (Lead/Prime implementer if GGGI is part of a consortium) Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development
Participating Organization (Funding/donor)
Name of consortium members, if any
Thematic Area
  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
GGGI Project Code :
Project Manager and Staff +

Project context, objectives and description

The sources of income in Kiribati are very few. In the outer islands, these opportunities are limited to agriculture, copra and in-shore fishing. Agriculture in atolls faces a number of challenges. Atoll soils are calcareous, shallow, alkaline and coarse textured. Soil fertility is dependent on the organic matter content, which is slow to degrade due to weather conditions. Other considerations are also pests, diseases and prohibitive cost of inputs. In addition, water is scarce. In many cases the water lens has become contaminated with salt water and others have been overused and have low remaining capacity for large agricultural endeavors. In addition, 81.5% of the population are obese, according to the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, this is in part due to an increased consumption of cheap low-quality imported goods filled high in salt, fat, and sugar. 

More climate change resilient, diversified and secure livelihoods within the agricultural sector can provide the population with fruits and vegetables necessary for an improved diet which will lead to improved nutrition and health. However, while these linkages are generally understood, they are seldom integrated into policy and project design. To ensure a roadmap exists that can i.) provide the linkages between livelihoods-agriculture-food-nutrition and health ii.) provide a list of integrated and sector-specific projects that tackle all these issues holistically. GGGI has been requested by the Government of Kiribati to develop an Agriculture Addendum (or Agricultural Strategy) to the Kiribati National Development also called the KV20. 

The project objective is to develop a green policy on agriculture so that i-Kiribati have access to diversified and secure livelihoods developed through climate change resilient, sustainable agriculture practices and promote healthier diets. This project is aligned with IO1. Strengthened national, sub-national and local green growth planning, financing, and institutional frameworks and IO3. Improved multi-directional knowledge sharing and learning to empower local and external agents necessary to drive green growth processes in partner governments. 

The project consists of 2 components: i.) Develop a strategy document that links agriculture to food, livelihoods, health and nutrition ii.) Generate a list of projects and develop these into concept notes for further development as part of the strategy’s implementation plan. 

Type of services provided, and results achieved

ImpactAll i-Kiribati have access to diversified and secure livelihoods developed through climate change resilient, sustainable agriculture practices and promote healthier diets. 

Outcome: N/A – to be completed in 2020 

Project Outputs completed in 2019: 

i. Green Growth Policies:

Policy Assignments:  

  • Agricultural Strategy developed, based on green growth concepts and building on the livelihoods- agriculture-food security-health-nutrition nexus and including a theory of change and M&E framework 
  • As part of the development of the agriculture strategy, a stakeholder analysis was completed. This analysis will be used in the development and implementation of the strategy.

ii. Green Investments:N/A

iii. Capacity Building and Knowledge Products:  

  • 1 Capacity building activity to provide training on incorporating green growth concepts in project design, and validation workshop and strategy updates. 

Number of staff provided

Project Manager: Norma Maria Rivera 

Semu Teffera, Katerina Syngellakis, Mark Gibson, Ingvild Solvang