
Capacity building workshop for SAED deleguates on Climate Smart Agriculture pratices

The training session was held over a period of three (03) days. It was carried out on the premises of the CIFA (Training Center for agricultural profesisons ). At the opening ceremony, the participants, facilitators and SAED beneficiaries were introduced.  The training sessions aimed to strengthen the climatic resilience of farmers, women and young people by improving their capacities in smart agriculture practices for irrigated rice production. To this end, training modules and practices as well as resource persons have been identified to strengthen the skills of the technicians in charge of accompanying the producers in the pilot sites.

Faced with the nagging issue of seed quality and availability in a context of climate change, this workshop was a framework for knowledge transfer, an opportunity for learning and exchange of actors on the activity of rice seed production in the Senegal River valley.  To this end, the QFFD Project is helping farmers in the Senegal River Valleyto to conduct the hot-dry season representing a total of 8,467 producers against 5,833 initially estimated   also experimenting with a solar-powered system for climate smart agricul-ture with an installed capacity of 1,5 MW annum.

The training session integrated a module of an evaluation of the understanding of the theoretical lessons on the rice pilots experienced during dry hot season 2022 on seed multiplication and showcasing of new varieties. It allowed to update knowledge on rice cultivation by correcting some of the deficiencies and deepening knowledge of the distinctive characteristics of rice varieties that were weak and vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

A practical session was conducted in the field to reinforce the theoretical knowledge acquired and to capacitate the technical staff in the sites with the new rice varieties are piloted.