
Booklet – Capacity building of women in green entrepreneurship

February 28, 2022 – GGGI Burkina Faso published a collection of insights by women who received green entrepreneur training as part of the “Promotion of Solar Irrigation Pumping system and Solar Mini-grids” project.

GGGI implemented this project in Burkina Faso with the financial support of Denmark. The project has recognized the role that women play in agricultural production and the impacts on people’s livelihoods, particularly those living in poverty.

109 leaders of women’s associations, cooperatives, and SMEs in agricultural and agri-food processing sectors received green entrepreneurship training in the administrative regions of the Centre, Centre-West, Hauts-Bassins, and North of the country in 2021. The training modules covered aspects of economic and environmental sustainability, such as recycling, reducing harmful substances in production and processing, avoiding food loss, and the use of renewable energy.

These trainings raised hope for the emergence of truly green businesses led by dynamic women. New, green initiatives will be seen in the months and years to come, propelling many of these women into the ranks of businesses that generate green jobs, protect the environment, and increase the inclusion of women in the sustainable development process in Burkina Faso.

The booklet can be download here: Booklet Women’s Green Entrepreneurship Training – Burkina Faso .